Price List

To save us some time, here are some average prices for common project types. All of these include initial consultation, questionairre, and collection of artifacts to inform the design, meetings, and professional copywriting.

Identity Package
2 Logo options based on the information gained through initial conversations.
Presentations in context for each option presented. Example:
Business card design and set of 250 cards delivered to you.
Promotion Design
This estimate is based on the creation of a core set of graphics (poster, illustration, typographic treatments) implemented across 5-10 different media/formats.
Website Design & Development
Includes up to 2 versions of the website design based on your preferences and needs. The ability to edit or add to your own content is included in every website I build, as well as documentation and a 2-hour training on managing your site.
$6000+ | Add $3000 for E-Commerce
Identity Design + Website
Both of the above, as part of an holistic design and user experience development that is consistent across the board and provides materials for various media.
Design & Marketing Partnership
If you enter an agreement of the above types, you're eligible for up to 3 hours/month of service & support for $1000/year, 1/3 of the typical hourly rate.
Font Design
Complete alphanumeric typeface and font plus basic punctuation. The size of the character set will affect the price proportionally.
$5000+ (There are many variables.)
As a designer and nearly decade-long instructor, I can tell you how to improve or expand upon what you're already doing.

No two projects are alike, and therefore no price guide can accurately guage the price of all projects. However, it's helpful to have a range of prices to see if we are in the same ballpark.

Let’s Get Acquainted

I absolutely look forward to hearing from you and meeting you in person. But to save us both some time and make sure we’re a good fit, please fill out the following form to give me a solid idea of how I can help you.

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